Posted: Tues, Sep 12, 2000
Posted by: Larkin
Recipient: All
Subject: So farewell then...
Invigorate our hopeful hearts
And free us from insanity
And pray the lord who gave you yours
Will not neglect humanity
Your mission yet: to fill the world
With Prempal's propaganda
A shining light or lying shite
Shri shame-free Shroomananda..?
To pass on techniques 1 and 2
Would take most half a minute
If that's one half of Prempal's 'gift'
There's worse than nothing in it
And never mind there's war and plague
Or bloodshed in Rwanda
Just lead us to those lotus boots
Shri shame-free Shroomananda
To pass on techniques 3 and 4
I'd do it as a favour
(Provided you don't tell the world
I'm now your fucking saviour)
So tell us is it true you dwell in
true satchitananda?
Or has your mind has been most unkind
And forced your heart to wander..?
I sympathise - it must be hard -
(Don't look Prem's way to guide you
tho' if you have a credit card
He'll park his yacht beside you)
It's horse for course and sauce, of course
For goose and for the gander
But - hell - whoever cut you loose
Shri shame-free Shroomananda..?
Invigorate our hopeful hearts
And free us from insanity
And pray the lord who gave you yours
Will not neglect humanity
Your mission yet: to fill the world
With Prempal's propaganda
A shining light or lying shite
Shri shame-free Shroomananda..?